Business Brand DNA | Personal Brand Clarity
Personal Brand Leadership | Brand Differentiation | 
Franchise Branding  ...& more

SUZANNE TULIEN, Brand Clarity Expert, Speaker, Author
Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert

Welcome to this information-packed library 
of podcast interviews on All Things Branding!
From Business Brand DNA to Franchise Branding, to Solopreneur Personal Branding & Personal Brand Leadership! 
I am having a blast spreading this powerful information to entrepreneurs, solo-professionals, leaders, and franchise owners & operators!
Take look at the topics, grab a beverage and join us on some insightful conversation to get more consciously inspired to grow!

Branding Vs. Marketing; Get Clear, Walk Your Talk, Deliver on Your Promise.
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert

BUSINESS DIGEST RADIO: Ten's of millions of dollars are spent annually on premature marketing endeavors on the part of small to mid-size businesses that feel the sense of urgency to get to market quickly and start to gain traction with prospective customers.

Speaker, author and brand consultant Suzanne Tulien encourages business owners to examine their brand more closely - inside and out - before embarking on expensive marketing campaigns that may miss the mark. Not because the creative wasn't good or that particular medium doesn't work. Although that too may be a factor due to a lack of insight or awareness about how your brand is being experienced or perceived by audiences.

Great branding takes in to account a great many things including customer experience, internal culture, training of employees on your brand's unique position, messaging and experience, and so much more. Listen in to gain a few pearls of wisdom from this talented business coach on how to ready your business for marketing success by first examining your brand from head to toe - inside and out.

Stop Marketing, for now, Start Branding! Wait, what????
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert
Too many small businesses tend to rely on ‘Marketing’ to do the work of ‘Branding’...Don’t make this mistake! It has been said that “40% of marketing is wasted, due to ill-informed, de-motivated staff undermining the promotional promise!” 
     When GOOD brands don’t first thoroughly define their Brand’s DNA and then implement it internally, the probability of becoming a GREAT brand is minimized, risking increased marketing expenditures and decreased ROI. Whether you are a solo-professional, or have a team of employees, this session shows how your brand can OUT-BEHAVE your competition by building distinctive, memorable customer and employee experiences that leverage every marketing effort exponentially.

ASBN.TV - Branding Vs. Marketing; the crucial difference to catapult your business.
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert

Marketing and branding both play similar roles in the success of a business, but navigating the two without an understanding of their differences can lead to considerable confusion for both customers and companies. Knowing how to define each aspect clearly is a crucial skill for entrepreneurs to master. On this episode of The Small Business Show, host Shyann Malone is joined by Suzanne Tulien, brand clarity expert, speaker, owner of Brand Ascension and author of “Brand DNA,” to discuss guidelines for creating a business’s identity and integrating it into the customer experience.

How to Understand Your Brand DNA
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert
Executive Coach/Business Advisor Doug Thorpe hosts an interview with Suzanne Tulien to break down the elements in your business Brand DNA that create competitive advantage. 

How to Make Your Brand Make $ense!
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert
Kris Miller, host of Money 911 interviews Suzanne Tulien about the power of Personal Brand consciousness and how it can be infused into your actions and behaviors to result in a unique, differentiated customer experience to build advocacy and your bottom-line!

Stop Marketing & Start Branding
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert
Suzanne and Jaime discuss some fun ideologies about branding and the big difference between the two functions of marketing vs. branding most small businesses don't fully understand.

BRAND CLARITY: The key to attracting the best clients
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
REAL ESTATE PERSONAL BRANDING – Garrett Maroon, of SERVING NOT SELLING podcast interviews Suzanne about the power of Personal Brand Clarity to realize your authentic self, build trust, and have more fun doing what you love.

3 Characteristics for Brand DNA Success
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Suzanne and Paul Copcutt from REI Branded discuss the 3 characteristics of a successful personal brand.

Personal Brand Clarity Explained
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Hosts Carol & Trish have a deep dive conversation with Suzanne about the power of Personal Brand Clarity and how it impacts the power to be more internally driven.

Expand Your Business with a Clear Brand DNA
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
How does Brand DNA affect the strategic business expansion plan?.

Speaking Podcast: You are the Brand of Your Delivery
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Suzanne talks about SPEAKER BRAND training and how you are the brand of your own delivery of expertise. How can speakers enlist, equip and engage their audiences to learn more and want more.

Personal Branding - Identify. Define. Align.
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Marc Haine of Marc Haine Live has a lively discussion with Suzanne Tulien on Brand DNA, Personal Brand Clarity, & Personal Brand Leadership. Watch this conversation take off!

How to Create Personal Brand Clarity
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
David Shriner-Cahn creates a compelling question and answer for a deep discussion on Personal Brand Clarity.

Internally Driven vs. Externally Impacted - know your Personal Brand
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Hosts Carol Clegg & Trish Kinney explore the meaning and power of Personal Brand Clarity with Suzanne in this deep dive discussion.

Create True Distinction with Brand DNA in your Markets
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Dana Olivo host of Charged Up Studio podcast interviews Suzanne Tulien on the power of identifying, defining, & aligning your Brand DNA to create distinction in your markets

Why Who You Are at the Core is Your Most Powerful Branding Tool
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Be Bold Begin hosts this intriguing interview on Personal Brand Clarity.

Developing Personal Brand Clarity
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Jeff Wickersham of Morning Fire, and Kings of Sparta Masterminds, hosts this interview as we dive into the power of clarity around who you are and how to get more conscious, strategic and deliberate being YOU!

Dishin' Dirt on Brand Clarity in the Real Estate Industry
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Real estate lawyer, Gary Pickren hosts this fun interview to reveal the power of Personal Brand Clarity within the industry of Real Estate and creating massive distinction.

Elevating Your Personal Brand Leadership Presence
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
A second interview by Jonathan Westover, PhD, MBA, with the Human Capital Innovation podcast to dive deeper into the topic of Personal Brand Leadership and what is essential in delivering authenticity and consistency!

How Clarity Around Your Personal Brand can help you & your Business
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Small Business Sisterhood hosts this back and forth, information-packed interview directed for the female small business owner.

The Essence & Power of Your Personal Brand Clarity
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Vince Kramer, host of The Miracle U reaches deep into the internal depths of Personal Brand Clarity and the power it holds to enable us to reach our authentic self and become who we want to be known for.

How Small Business Overcomes Big Battles
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
V is for Victory host Vera Creative, speaks to Suzanne about Brand Visual Design vs. the Essence of the Brand's way of being.

The Importance of Clarifying Your Personal Brand
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Alex Sanfilippo, of CREATING A BRAND podcast, interviews Suzanne about the importance of clarifying your brand

Define Your Value Position and Grow Your Brand!
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Zondra talks with brand expert Suzanne Tulien about how businesses and individuals can define their value proposition and build and grow their brand.

Elevating Personal Brand Leadership from the Inside Out
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Nicky Davies, host of Developing Inspired Leaders interviews Suzanne for a deep dive into the workings of authentic personal brand leadership clarity and engagement.

Branding is Not Marketing.
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
find out what you need to do to be seen, heard, and make an impression on this podcast interview of Suzanne Tulien with host Teri Karjala

Building Your Brand with a Book.
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Publish - Promote - Profit, host asks key questions about the power of brand-building through authorship, with Suzanne.

Brand Control is the Key to Your Distinction
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
In this HCI Webinar, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Suzanne Tulien about congruent leadership to ensure authenticity and followership. Check out the podcast here:

Congruent Leadership with Personal Brand Clarity.
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Katie Brinkley, host of Rocky Mountain Marketing, interviews Suzanne about the control of growth your business can realize when you clarify your brand.

Your Brand IS Your Business & Whether You Know it or Not, You Already Have One.
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Jonathan Denwood, and Robert Newman of interview Suzanne Tulien for their Realtor audience about the power of realizing that YOU are the brand of your real estate business.

Personal & Celebrity Brands
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Big Time Talker host, Burke Allen intrigues Suzanne with some out of the box questions about celebrity brands.

Personal Branding from the Heart
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Heart-preneur host, Velma Gallant, drives the conversation towards heart-centered branding with Suzanne.

Elevating Your Personal Brand DNA
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Social Capital host, Lori Highby brings some compelling questions in this interview with Suzanne Tulien on building your 'capital' in the social arena with a consistent, well-clarified brand.

BRAND CLARITY - differentiating from the SHARKS
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Seth Greene is helping Solopreneurs create passive income, build podcast shows, and generate leads with a plethora of serious training tools and techniques. Please check out his toolbox below and get ready to expand your brand!

Personal Brand Clarity - the real tool to your success
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Shawn Dean, host of Certifiably Unemployable interviews Suzanne with all the aspects of solo-professional challenges and growth potential.

Clarify & Leverage Your Personal Brand
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Dr. Joseph Michelli, host of the Michelli Experience podcast, takes Suzanne on an exploratory journey as she links powerful customer service excellence with Brand DNA Clarity.

Personal Branding is about Identifying a Set of Perceptions You Want to Become Known For
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Marketing a Practice, host, Sarah Cavalho, gets Suzanne to uncover what a Brand really is to businesses and how clarifying it is one of the most powerful things you can do to create distinction.

Building Your Small Business Needs More than Corporate Marketing
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
The Business Creators Radio Show host, Adam Hommey interviews Suzanne to  realize how  your business Branding has to be fully aligned in order to deliver your marketing efforts ROI!

Get Down to Business - That's Your Brand
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
GET DOWN TO BUSINESS with Shalom Klein Podcast –-
 Kristin Brindley, Dan Brule, Nicole Price, Vince Mazza and Suzanne Tulien

Franchising Brand DNA - the Secret Sauce toward Distinction
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Suzanne discusses the power of branding from the inside out with the Franchise model and how this clarity propels the ability to scale successfully.

New Personal Brand Clarity Book Launch!
with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Author, Speaker
Suzanne gets to answer some great questions on Personal Brand Clarity, her new book, and how it impacts the solo-professional to get more conscious, strategic, and deliberate with who they are and align themselves to a powerful brand value position for to live their potential


Copyright Suzanne Tulien