If your organization's mission is to support  YOUNG ADULTS and is looking for a powerful value-add curriculum that will empower these young adults to build self-awareness and self-agency, look no further! 

This highly experiential program is fun, insightful, and inspiring! It will help them identify, define and align to their inherent value potential.

I D E N T I F Y.

D E F I N E.

A L I G N.
 Develop Your 'Self-Vibe' Workshop for Teens/Young Adults: 
Empowering Youth to Discover Their Authentic Selves
An experiential workshop to enhance self-awareness 
and self-agency to live their full potential.
Dear Youth-Serving Organization,
We're excited to introduce our transformative Teen ‘Self-Vibe’ Workshop, designed to help young adults/teens develop a strong sense of identity and purpose. This program aligns perfectly with your mission to support and empower teens and young adults become their best selves, authentically.
Workshop Overview:
Our interactive/experiential facilitation guides participants through a journey of self-discovery, focusing on five key areas:
  • Core Values Exploration
  • Help youth identify and understand their fundamental beliefs and principles.
  • Personal Style Definition
  • Encourage authentic self-expression beyond mere appearance.
  • Unique Differentiators Discovery
  • Assist young people in recognizing their individual strengths and qualities.
  • Personal Mantra Creation
  • Guide participants in crafting empowering, personalized mottos.
  • 'Why' Statement Development
  • Support youth in articulating their personal missions and motivations.


- Enhance your existing programs with a cutting-edge personal development workshop
- Provide valuable tools for youth to build self-awareness and confidence
- Offer a framework for young people to make informed decisions aligned with their values
- Support mental health by fostering a strong sense of self and purpose

Workshop Outcomes:
Participants will leave with:
- A clear understanding of their core values and unique attributes
- Increased self-confidence and ability to express themselves authentically
- Ways they can begin to integrate their newly defined attributes into their daily lives
- Tangible tools like a personal mantra and 'why' statement to guide future decisions and keep them aligned with what they want to become more of

Module 1 LEARNING :
  • What is a 'Personal Brand' and what is not?
  • Why is knowing your personal brand beneficial to your personal and professional life?
  • Assess your current personal brand.
  • Authenticity self-assessment.
  • What are personal core values & how to use them to guide your decisions?
  • Identify your personal core values.
  • Define your personal core values.
  • Homework assignments.
  • Examples of Teen's core values.
Module 2 - LEARNING :
  • What is a 'Personal Brand Style?'
  • Uncover your Personal Brand Style! - and 'own it!'
  • Define your personal Brand Style! - how do you show up this way?
  • Examples of Teen's Personal Brand Style.
  • What makes YOU different? 
  • How to leverage your differentiation to be your best/authentic self.
  • Homework assignments.
Module 3 - LEARNING:
  • Establishing a Personal Brand Mantra and how to use it.
  • Composing your unique personal brand 'Why' statement
  • Documenting all your outputs onto your Personal Brand onesheet
  • Taking stock in your Personal Brand Clarity for future success.
  • BONUS: Actioning & Leverating your Personal Brand Presence homework module/exercises

As a brand clarity & alignment expert, I want to see our youth get empowered by knowing themselves better and stepping into their own unique potential!

I've adapted my Personal Brand Presence course/coacing program designed for soloprofessionals, into a powerful, fun, inspiring course that speaks to TEENS and young adults.

    I want to help every Teen and young adult to realize  & clarify their value and leverage what truly makes them different. My Personal Brand Presence for Teens process can be the 'missing piece' to their overall confidence, self-awareness, and self-agency. 

   My goal is to bring this program into organizations who serve these young adults as a  personal development program that fulfills the goals, objectives and mission and vision of the charter.

My personal brand promise:


Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert

Visit my Personal Brand Clarity
YouTube Channel!
Filled with Personal Brand development videos!
Check out '90 Seconds to Personal Brand Clarity''Brand Bytes' playlists!


Copyright Suzanne Tulien