Brand Clarity Expert, Author, and International Speaker,
Suzanne Tulien is an authority in identifying and defining a business’ internal
Brand DNA blueprint,

creating authentic positioning, and building competitive advantage by aligning leadership and employees to ‘out-behave’ their competition, consistently. She also pioneered the ‘Ignite Your Personal Brand Presence’ online course and coaching program for solopreneurs who want to leverage their wisdom, expertise and personality to become who they want to be known for.
Suzanne facilitates engaging brand strategy using her turn-key, Brand DNA methodology in live events, webinars, workshops & consulting.
As the pioneer of Ignite Your Personal Brand Presence coaching mastermind and online course program, she is helping solo-professionals and emerging leaders own and leverage their expertise, personality, and authenticity to live their full potential. She guides businesses to get more conscious, strategic and deliberate in delivering on their brand promise and value position. She is the author of three books; The 6 Myths of Small Business Branding, Brand DNA, and her latest book, Personal Brand Clarity; Identify, Define, and Align to Become What You Want to Be Known For. Suzanne also trains speaker-brands to deliver their expertise to audiences that enlists, equips, and engages them to want more!
Suzanne is founder of Brand Ascension, has over 30 years of business brand consulting experience, is an international speaker, consultant, award-winning graphic designer, and certified trainer.
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