I often get asked in interviews, “What makes up a good Personal Brand?” My immediate response is simpler in concept than it is in action: “Walk your talk.”
‘Good’ Personal Brands are those who keep their word, act on what they promise, and follow through with integrity. Period.
But, when you get down to the detailed ingredients that make “walking your talk” truly happen, I have three powerful characteristics that represent the ways of being of highly successful, ‘good’ personal brands. Which begs the question, “What is my talk? Who am I walking like?
Please note: The following characteristics of a powerful Personal Brand Presence℠ becomes much more relevant and congruent if the person is highly aware of who they are in terms of their brand. Those who can actually name specific attributes, differentiators, values, and style are much more able to effectively use the three characteristics listed below to enhance who they say they are, walk their talk, and focus on stepping into their true potential to fully self-actualize. Are you ready?
So let’s get to it…
Be Authentic.
Wikipedia lists authenticity as “concerns the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions.” This basically nails it, but with the caveat that you have to know what your attributions, commitments, and intentions are in order to be authentic to it, right?
This characteristic is beautiful when it shows up with the backing of the clarity of knowing who you are and elevates the experience of it when you can fully step into authentically being: ________ (insert your brand attributes here).
In other words, you cannot claim to being an authentic person until you clarify and put into practice what attributes you are authentic too!
Be Consistent.
Even though this may seem like a ‘duh’ ingredient to powerful personal brands, it is often underestimated and overlooked. I’m sure you’ve heard of the statement that we as humans are “creatures of habit”, however, we have a hard time being truly consistent in most of our day-to-day operations when dealing with people, promises, and actions. And, again, just like above with ‘Authentic’, we have to have something to be consistent about, right? This brings us back to the questions regarding “Who am I” , or “What is my brand” to be consistent about?
Bottom line is that consistency builds trust. Trust is earned by walking your talk….see how it all ties together?
Once we can name our brand attributes and then fully define them in a way that makes them relevant and meaningful to us, personally, then, and only then can we effectively apply these three ingredients that will enhance the ‘good’ part of our Personal Brand. Make sense?
And last but not least…
Be Generative.
Now, this isn’t a common term, so allow me to explain it in this Personal Brand context. Being ‘generative’ simply means continuously reaching for the next level of being more of your true authentic self. This represents the thoughts you have and things you do to be more of who you currently are, at every level and in every aspect of your life – community, relationships, family, work, spiritual, and financial. Being generative keeps the momentum of self-evolution happening from the inside out, not necessarily from external forces.
We all know of people who are constantly generating new things, ideas, and ways to fully accentuate their lives, experience robustness, and catapult them to their next evolution….this is what I am talking about. They know who they are and what lights them on fire to self-actualize.
The ‘generative’ ingredient is essential in building a powerful Personal Brand Presence℠, and can only be effective when you fully understand what makes up your specific DNA of your Personal Brand Presence. So the question becomes, “…be more generative in what?” The answer depends on the make up of your Personal Brand attributes.
Your Personal Brand becomes a “good personal brand” when you can be authentic, consistent and generative in who you say you are. It is as simple as that. It looks different for everyone, and depends on your unique Brand DNA. From how you show up, to the words you use, to the actions you take with your family, friends, at work, and in your community – these are the standards of living that are impacted when you step into your full potential.
Where do you begin? It all starts with identifying and defining your Personal Brand Presence℠, the rest is simply a decision to become it.
Call or set an appointment to discuss your personal brand journey to clarity!
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